Saturday, February 23, 2008

ImageMagick: make the photocopies with your digital camera

Digital camera is the excellent device for making photocopies of any documents. In library for example. It is better then scanner because you can use it everywhere. I use Fuji s6550fd and Canon A95. But there is one problem - picture is not so contrast as you want. But you can use ImageMagick correct it and make images like from xerox.

For example I made the image with the help of Fuji s6500fd without flash and on ISO400.

Darkly, right? But we can quickly correct this with the command like that:
mogrify -format tif -monochrome -compress group4 -resize 1252x1800 -normalize -threshold 30% *.jpg

You can modify the -threshold option for change the contrast like you want.

The result will be like that:

Of course you can use it method for bath image processing. You can write the script for this very easy.

There you can find a full information about ImageMagick options:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Exactly what I was looking for, thank you :)